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Cyber Security- Secure Your Devices No Matter Where They Are

by | May 14, 2021 | Cyber Security

Cyber Security- Secure Your Devices No Matter Where They Are

From phishing emails to malware, cyber threats are evolving rapidly and are not limited to large enterprises. The same methods are used to attack SMEs where business downtime, fines and reputational damage can, at worst, lead to business closure.

The facts

Up to 88% of UK companies have suffered breaches in the last 12 months, Carbon Black reports. That is lower than Germany (92%), France (94%), and Italy (90%).

One in every 3,722 emails in the UK is a phishing attempt, according to Symantec. That figure is one in every 657 in Saudi Arabia, one in 3,231 in the US, one in 5,223 in Germany, and one in 3,471 in Australia. Nearly 55% of UK email is spam.

51% of organisations have suffered from a ransomware attack and on average, organisations experienced 3 days of downtime as a result.

How to protect your organisation from cyber attacks

In order to protect your organisation from a cyber attack, it is important to have layers of protection within your IT infrastructure

Consider the following:

  • Physical Security: How secure are your office locations?
  • Network Security: Do you have secure configurations?
  • Passwords: How strong are the passwords you use?
  • 2 Factor Authentication: Do you further secure authentication with additional methods?
  • Backups: Are your backups consistent, secure and taken offsite?
  • Patches and settings: Are all your systems up to date?
  • Social Engineering: How vulnerable are your users to phishing and scams?

Cyber Security- Secure Your Devices No Matter Where They Are

Problems we find in a typical SME

  • End of life operating system
  • Patching is completely out of data
  • Inconsistent backups
  • Very little in disaster recovery planning
  • Firewalls that are poorly configured
  • Little or no email security
  • Unmanaged anti-virus
  • Poor password hygiene

Watch our Endpoint Security Webinar to find out what you can do to help improve your organisation’s cyber security.

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