IT Support & Not for Profits

IT Support & Not for Profits

As the rise of technology has now successfully spread to almost every sector, charitable organisations now too face an exchange between their IT capabilities and their ability to sustain their missions – the problem is that many face the same challenges in terms...
IT Support in Education

IT Support in Education

Educational institutions can be a lucrative target for cyber criminals. When you think about it, these establishments hold incredibly valuable data in the eyes of attackers – from things like names, addresses and phone numbers of family members, medical history,...
Don’t Suffer Winter Outages

Don’t Suffer Winter Outages

With the threat of a ‘Beast of the East 2.0’ very much on the horizon for the coming months, have you thought about what you would do if your teams couldn’t make it into work? This is a very real threat that businesses face and one that often gets...
Why do we call our clients, clients?

Why do we call our clients, clients?

Something that we got asked quite a lot is this – why do we call our clients, clients? Why don’t we call them customers like everyone else? And why does that matter anyway? Think of this… When you go to Tesco to buy toilet roll, you might buy either...
12 Days of Cybersecurity

12 Days of Cybersecurity

We all know the 12 Days of Christmas, but who can recite the 12 Days of Cybersecurity? From backups to passwords, the 12 Days of Cybersecurity can help to bring you and your teams up to speed on the 12 best practices that you can start to implement within your...