Complete I.T. Blog

Contract is King!

Contract is King!

By Matt Riley, Quality and Compliance Director at Complete I.T., Data Protection Lead at Sharp In 2015, a Justice at the Supreme Court mutters those famous words ‘Contract is King’ and reviewing contracts is an essential part of my role to identify that the current...

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IT Support & Cyber Security in 2022

IT Support & Cyber Security in 2022

It’s safe to say that hybrid working will continue to play a pivotal role for many of us throughout the rest of the year and perhaps even our working careers. There is a high demand for this style of working, especially with millennials who - since the pandemic - have...

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National Apprenticeship Week 2022

National Apprenticeship Week 2022

Jonny Percival - Lead Recruiter, Complete I.T. (CIT): When I left school at 16, I undertook an apprenticeship, which I was very grateful for as it gave me that start working world. Here at Complete I.T. we are passionate about helping everyone achieve their goals and...

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