Business IT as a competitive advantage

Business IT as a competitive advantage

For some organisations, IT is just one component in the overall cost of doing business. But when applied effectively, IT actually allows your business to create new efficiencies and streamline operations in such a way that you can maximise profit margins. If this can...
Communication And Business Continuity Planning

Communication And Business Continuity Planning

Communication during and after an emergency presents a variety of challenges. So, crafting an employee safety and communication plan that works is absolutely essential. The specifics will vary widely from company to company, but your emergency safety and communication...
Communication And Business Continuity Planning

Unsure about using the Cloud? Try a trial

Though most of us use Cloud services in some way in our personal lives (think Apple iCloud, PayPal or Google Photos), many people are still unsure about whether or how to use them at work. For many businesses, this uncertainty means missing out on efficiencies and...
Business IT as a competitive advantage

The importance of IT partnerships

Here at Complete I.T. we’re proud of our status as a Microsoft Certified Gold Partner. But don’t think this means some super-exclusive club designed to boost profits: did you know that our partnership with Microsoft actually offers our customers a number of...
Business IT as a competitive advantage

Keeping your business IT support local

For most businesses, that are not specifically IT-focused, it is too expensive to maintain in-house, experienced and knowledgeable IT staff dedicated to building, managing and supporting your IT infrastructure. And without a dedicated IT team, it’s very difficult to...