Educate your team on phishing emails

Educate your team on phishing emails

One of the best measures to prevent falling victim to a phishing attack is to educate your team and to continuously remind them (giving examples) of the increasingly more “real” appearance of these phishing emails. Check out our infographic below and...
Is the padlock safe?

Is the padlock safe?

We all know that securing websites so that the user information gathered is protected is incredibly important, especially when it comes to personal data and safeguarding. U WHAT IS HTTPS? HTTPS is a security technology which is used to protect the content within...
How do I create a Cyber Risk Management Policy?

How do I create a Cyber Risk Management Policy?

In order to protect your business against cyber attacks it is recommended that you review the below 8 points and create your own Risk Management Policy. You must make cyber security a priority and access the risks to your business’s systems and information. Producing...
If you don’t know about BlueKeep. You need to.

If you don’t know about BlueKeep. You need to.

Security is one of the top priorities for us here at Complete I.T. and we endeavour to make our clients as secure as possible. With this in mind, a bug in Microsoft Windows was identified recently that has the potential to have a devastating impact should attackers...
Don’t fear the cloud

Don’t fear the cloud

It can be daunting moving all your documents and data from a physical server to the mysterious cloud but, it’s much more secure, can save money and is scalable. Why should you be using Microsoft 365? Cost Saving – Who doesn’t want to see their annual operating...